Saturday, June 8, 2019

Developing Promotional Strategies for Horticultural Products Essay Example for Free

Developing Promotional Strategies for Horticultural Products EssayINTRODUCTION.The horticulture sub-sector of agriculture in Kenya has grown in the last decade to come a major foreign exchange earner, employer and contributor to food necessitate in the sphere. Currently the horticulture industry is the fastest growing agricultural subsector in the country and is ranked third in terms of foreign exchange earnings from exports after tourism and tea. Fruits, vegetable and cut flower production ar the master(prenominal) aspects of horticultural production in Kenya. In this write up, the horticultural products I provide focus on are coriander, courgettes, cabbage, kales, spinach, indigenous vegetables like terere and managu, ginger, garlic, tomatoes and onions. These products will be directly sourced from my farm in Kitengela.IDENTIFICATION OF THE INNATE ANS ACQUIRED NEEDSAccording to Boyd (2010) humans become motivated when a need is aro subprogramd that they set out a desire to satisfy. These ask can be physiological also known as inwrought e.g need for food, water, sex and cloths or they could be acquired needs which are learnt in response to an individuals culture or surroundings e.g need for affection, self esteem or prestige. The above mentioned horticultural products are food products that satisfy needs in the first level of Maslows hierarchy of needs i.e the physiological needs. Moreover, through the right packaging and promotion of these products, the acquired needs will be satisfied.THE PROMOTIONAL STRATEGIES BASED ON THESE NEEDSOrganizations use promotion to communicate with customers about products they offer because promotion is one half of the chat process with customers. It works co-operatively with market research in an iterative feedback loop so that the constantly changing requirements of users are met by promotional activities that target or even anticipate these expressed needs. Promotion involves making sure that customers are awa re of the products that the organization makes available to them. The objective of my promotional strategy is to provide nurture about my products, increase demand for these products and to differentiate the product. I will design different advertising messages to be placed in certain magazines like bouncing eating magazines as well as Saturday Nation newspaper magazine and television advertisment. Moreover, through the social media i.e twitter and face book I will advertise my products. These adverts will focus on the benefits that clients will get on consumption of my products.The advert will be designed in such a way that it brings out the different innate and acquired needs that will be met. People have to eat and eat good food that is well presented, I will therefore, do word of mouth advertising and attend networking forums for horticultural products e.g the annual horticultural exhibitions says Wu (2012). As I display my products, I will curb they are well packaged in cle an, labeled packages so that as my purchase my products they are satisfied with the packaging thus meeting both their innate and acquired needs. According to Stern and Adel (1988), word-of-mouth is one of the most credible forms of advertising because people who dont stand to gain personally by promoting something put their reputations on the demarcation line every time they make a recommendation. In the utilization of word of mouth advertising, I will incorporate brand advocates in this word of mouth ad.I will use personal selling as well. This will be one to one communication with a potential buyer. In this example the potential buyers I will focus on for personal selling are the restaurants, schools, hospitals and hotels. I will therefore, employ the use of sales men and use experiential marketing in this case. I will hire a tele-marketing researcher who will make follow up calls to clients who purchase my products to get their feedback on areas that I need to improve on as the researcher identifies their unspoken needs as well as their spoken needs.REFERENCESBoyd, J.C (2010). Consumer Psychology. EnglandOpen University Press. Stern .L. W. Adel I. E.(1988) market Channels. Englewood Cliffs, N. J. Prentice Hall Inc.Wu, J. M ( 2012) Consumer Perception of quality for horticultural products and related agricultural practices. OntarioGuelph.

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